Samba/Active Directory 域控制器

来自 Arch Linux 中文维基

本文描述了如何使用 Samba 搭建 Active Directory 域控制器。它假设所有配置文件都处于安装后的状态,未作任何更改。文章内容已在全新安装系统上验证过,没有(也不需要)除静态 IPv4 地址外的其它网络配置。最后,下面的大多数命令都需要提权。在不考虑操作规范的前提下,使用根用户会话运行命令会比按需提权更方便些。

安装[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

注意: 确保在你的网络上可以通过主机名访问到服务器。详细信息请查看网络配置#局域网主机名解析

除 Samba 的自带程序外,一个完整可用的 samba 域控制器还需要一些其它软件。先从官方仓库安装 krb5ntppython-dnspythonpython-markdown,openresolvsamba

Samba 内置了一个全功能的 DNS 服务器,但如果你需要为外部域名维护 DNS 域,强烈建议换用 BIND。如果需要共享打印机,同时也要用到 CUPS。如有这些需要,请安装 bind 和/或 cups

创建新目录[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

置备[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

创建 Active Directory 域的第一步是进行置备。这包括配置内部 LDAPKerberos 和 DNS 服务器,并按目录需求进行基础设置。如果你有配置目录服务器的经验,那你肯定知道多组件协同工作很可能会产生些问题。这也是为什么 Samba 的开发者选择提供内置版本的这些组件,上面安装的服务器包仅作为客户端工具进行安装。为 Samba 进行置备较为简单,只需执行以下命令:

# samba-tool domain provision --use-rfc2307 --interactive

参数说明[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

该参数将 POSIX 属性(UID/GID)添加到了 AD Schema 中。如果你需要认证 Linux,BSD 或是 macOS 客户端(包括本地主机),就需用到该参数。

你也可以使用 samba-tool domain provision --help 查看置备步骤的文档。

Interactive provision explanations[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

INTERNAL.DOMAIN.COM - This should be the same as the DNS domain in all caps. It is common to use an internal-only sub-domain to separate your internal domain from your external DNS domains, but it is not required.
INTERNAL - This will be the NetBIOS domain name, usually the leftmost DNS sub-domain but can be anything you like. For example, the name INTERNAL would not be very descriptive. Perhaps company name or initials would be appropriate. This should be entered in all caps, and should have a 15 character maximum length for compatibility with older clients.
Server Role
dc - This article assumes that your are installing the first DC in a new domain. If you select anything different, the rest of this article will likely be useless to you.
DNS Backend
BIND9_DLZ or SAMBA_INTERNAL - This is down to personal preference of the server admin. Again, if you are hosting DNS for external domains, you are strongly encouraged to use the BIND9_DLZ backend so that flat zone files can continue to be used and existing transfer rules can co-exist with the internal DNS server. If unsure, use the SAMBA_INTERNAL backend.
DNS forwarder IP address or none - This option is only presented when using the SAMBA_INTERNAL DNS backend. Supply the IP address of a DNS server for forwarding non local DNS queries, or use the string none to always do root lookups.
Administrator password
xxxxxxxx - You must select a strong password for the administrator account. The minimum requirements are one uppercase letter, one number, and at least eight characters. If you attempt to use a password that does not meet the complexity requirements, provisioning will fail.

配置守护进程[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

NTPD[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

为你网络下的时间服务器创建 NTP 配置文件。相关介绍及额外配置可参考 Network Time Protocol daemon 一文。

按照如下内容修改 /etc/ntp.conf

# Please consider joining the pool:
# For additional information see:
# -
# -
# - the ntp.conf man page

# 关联到 Arch 的 NTP 池

# 限制
restrict default kod limited nomodify notrap nopeer mssntp
restrict ::1
restrict mask nomodify notrap nopeer noquery
restrict mask nomodify notrap nopeer noquery
restrict mask nomodify notrap nopeer noquery
restrict mask nomodify notrap nopeer noquery

# 偏移文件位置
driftfile /var/lib/ntp/ntpd.drift

# Location of the update directory
ntpsigndsocket /var/lib/samba/ntp_signd/


# install -d /var/lib/samba/ntp_signd
# chown root:ntp /var/lib/samba/ntp_signd
# chmod 0750 /var/lib/samba/ntp_signd

启用并启动 ntpd.service

BIND[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

如果你选择了 BIND9_DLZ 作为 DNS 后端,需要安装 bind 并创建如下 BIND 配置,相关介绍及额外配置可参考 BIND 一文。别忘了将 x 替换成实际值:

创建 /etc/named.conf 文件:

// vim:set ts=4 sw=4 et:
acl local-networks {;;
// 如要使用 IPv6,需移除下面的注释

options {
    directory "/var/named";
    pid-file "/run/named/";
    session-keyfile "/run/named/session.key";

    // 将该行取消注释以启用 IPv6 连接支持
    //  listen-on-v6 { any; };
    // 为无 IPv4 环境添加该行:
    //  listen-on { none; };

    // 将允许的子网或主机加入到 local-networks acl 中
    allow-query       { local-networks; };
    allow-recursion   { local-networks; };
    allow-query-cache { local-networks; };
    allow-transfer    { none; };
    allow-update      { none; };

    version none;
    hostname none;
    server-id none;

    auth-nxdomain yes;
    datasize default;
    empty-zones-enable no;
    tkey-gssapi-keytab "/var/lib/samba/bind-dns/dns.keytab";

    // 将该行取消注释以使用 ISP 的转发器
    //  forwarders {;; };

zone "localhost" IN {
    type master;
    file "";

zone "" IN {
    type master;
    file "";

zone "" {
    type master;
    file "";

// 加载 AD 内置区域
include "/var/lib/samba/bind-dns/named.conf";

//zone "" IN {
//    type slave;
//    file "";
//    masters {
//    };
//    allow-query { any; };
//    allow-transfer { any; };

logging {
    channel xfer-log {
        file "/var/log/named.log";
            print-category yes;
            print-severity yes;
            severity info;
        category xfer-in { xfer-log; };
        category xfer-out { xfer-log; };
        category notify { xfer-log; };


# chgrp named /var/lib/samba/private/dns.keytab
# chmod g+r /var/lib/samba/private/dns.keytab
# touch /var/log/named.log
# chown root:named /var/log/named.log
# chmod 664 /var/log/named.log

启用并启动 named.service

转发器值可以选用你的 ISP 的 DNS 服务器,谷歌(,,2001:4860:4860::8888 和 2001:4860:4860::8844)及 OpenDNS(,,2620:0:ccc::2 和 2620:0:ccd::2)也免费提供了公共 DNS 服务器,具体最佳值取决于你的现有网络。

Kerberos 客户端工具[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

上面的置备步骤会创建一个可与 Samba 域控制器搭配使用的 krb5.conf 文件。使用如下命令进行安装:

# mv /etc/krb5.conf{,.default}
# cp /var/lib/samba/private/krb5.conf /etc

DNS[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

你现在需要使用本地 DNS 服务器了,重新配置 resolvconf 以仅使用 localhost 进行 DNS 查询。创建 /etc/resolv.conf.tail 文件(不要忘了将 internal.domain.tld 替换为你的内部域名):

# Samba 配置
search internal.domain.tld
# 如要使用 IPv6,需移除下行注释
#nameserver ::1

配置权限并生成新的 /etc/resolv.conf 文件:

# chmod 644 /etc/resolv.conf.tail
# resolvconf -u

Samba[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

启用并启动 samba.service。如果你想使用 LDB 工具,需额外通过创建 /etc/profile.d/ 来设置 LDB_MODULES_PATH

export LDB_MODULES_PATH="${LDB_MODULES_PATH}:/usr/lib/samba/ldb"

设置权限并对其使用 source:

# chmod 0755 /etc/profile.d/
# . /etc/profile.d/

Testing the installation[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

DNS[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

First, verify that DNS is working as expected. Execute the following commands substituting appropriate values for and server:

# host -t SRV
# host -t SRV
# host -t A

You should receive output similar to the following: has SRV record 0 100 389 has SRV record 0 100 88 has address

NT authentication[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Next, verify that password authentication is working as expected:

# smbclient //localhost/netlogon -U Administrator -c 'ls'

You will be prompted for a password (the one you selected earlier), and will get a directory listing like the following:

  .                                   D        0  Wed Nov 27 23:59:07 2013
  ..                                  D        0  Wed Nov 27 23:59:12 2013

		50332 blocks of size 2097152. 47185 blocks available

Kerberos[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Now verify that the KDC is working as expected. Be sure to replace INTERNAL.DOMAIN.COM and use uppercase letters:

# kinit administrator@INTERNAL.DOMAIN.COM

You should be prompted for a password and get output similar to the following:

Warning: Your password will expire in 41 days on Wed 08 Jan 2014 11:59:11 PM CST

Verify that you actually got a ticket:

# klist

You should get output similar to below:

Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0
Default principal: administrator@INTERNAL.DOMAIN.COM

Valid starting       Expires              Service principal
11/28/2013 00:22:17  11/28/2013 10:22:17  krbtgt/INTERNAL.DOMAIN.COM@INTERNAL.DOMAIN.COM
	renew until 11/29/2013 00:22:14

As a final test, use smbclient with your recently acquired ticket. Replace server with the correct server name:

# smbclient //server/netlogon -k -c 'ls'

The output should be the same as when testing password authentication above.

Additional configuration[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

DNS[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

You will also need to create a reverse lookup zone for each subnet in your environment in DNS. It is important that this is kept in Samba's DNS as opposed to BIND to allow for dynamic updates by cleints. For each subnet, create a reverse lookup zone with the following commands. Replace server.internal.domain.tld and with appropriate values. For, use the first three octets of the subnet in reverse order (for example: becomes 0.168.192):

# samba-tool dns zonecreate server.internal.domain.tld -U Administrator

Now, add a record for you server (if your server is multi-homed, add for each subnet) again substituting appropriate values as above. zzz will be replaced by the fourth octet of the IP for the server:

# samba-tool dns add server.internal.domain.tld zzz PTR server.internal.domain.tld -U Administrator

Finally, test the lookup. Replace with the IP of your server:

# host -t PTR

You should get output similar to the following: domain name pointer server.internal.domain.tld.

TLS[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

默认不启用 TLS,但在初始化 DC 时会创建一个默认证书。从 Samba 4.3.8 和 4.2.2 开始,默认禁用非加密 LDAP 绑定。在不影响安全性的前提下,你必须要配置 TLS 才能将 Samba 作为认证源使用。如要使用默认证书,请将下列内容添加到 /etc/samba/smb.conf 的“[global]”部分下:

tls enabled  = yes
tls keyfile  = tls/key.pem
tls certfile = tls/cert.pem
tls cafile   = tls/ca.pem

如果需要可信证书,请创建一个签名密钥和一个证书请求(详细步骤参见 OpenSSL)。让你选择的证书机构对请求签名,然后将其放置在配置的文件夹下。如果证书机构要求使用中间证书,可以将证书串在一起(先是服务器证书,然后是中间证书),然后将 tls cafile 留空。

重启 samba 以应用更改。

Adding a second domain controller to an existing domain[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Prerequisites[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

As with the provisioning setup when setting up a new domain, you must have ntp configured per the above instructions. Additionally, some of the arguments and parameters on the original domain setup must be replicated here.

Argument explanations[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

--option='idmap_ldb:use rfc2307 = yes'
this is required if you elected to include Unix UID/GID support on your existing domain (using the --use-rfc2307 option for Samba's provision step or applied the RFC 2307 schema extensions).
replace DNSTYPE with BIND9_DLZ or SAMBA_INTERNAL - This is again down to personal preference of the server admin. If using BIND9_DLZ backend, you will need to configure bind as per the above instructions after joining the domain.
--option="dns forwarder=""
this is only valid for the SAMBA_INTERNAL DNS backend which allows you to specify a DNS forwarder. Replace with appropriate value.
if you have multiple sites defined, use this to join directly in that site.

See the output of samba-tool domain join --help for additional options.

Joining an existing domain as a new DC[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Execute the following command (adding any necessary parameters above to the end of the command):

# samba-tool domain join internal.domain.tld DC -U"INTERNAL\administrator"

Now copy the krb5.conf:

# cp /var/lib/samba/private/krb5.conf /etc/krb5.conf

If you used the RFC 2307 schema extensions, you need to copy the idmap from an existing DC. If using Samba, execute the following command from another DC:

# tdbbackup -s .bak /var/lib/samba/private/idmap.ldb

This will generate a file /var/lib/samba/private/idmap.ldb.bak, transfer this file to the new server in the /var/lib/samba/private directory, removing the .bak extension. If you intend to keep multiple DCs, you will need to automate this process going forward using one of the methods listed on the Samba website here. This also applies to transferring the idmap from Windows DCs.

Enable and start the samba.service unit.

If using BIND9_DLZ DNS backend, you'll need to follow the BIND section above. Check if the /var/lib/samba/private/dns directory is created, and if not, run the following command (ignore warning about updating named.conf):

# samba_upgradedns --dns-backend=BIND9_DLZ

Restart the named.service and then update the DNS records with the following command:

# samba_dnsupdate --all-names --use-samba-tool --verbose

Now proceed with LDB configuration and testing as with a new domain here.

Transferring the FSMO roles[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

If this is intended to replace an existing domain controller, you will need to transfer the FSMO roles before demoting the existing DC. This is currently outside the scope of this document. See the Samba wiki here.

额外服务[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

打印[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

作为域控制器的 Samba 服务器默认不会启用打印服务。你需要在 /etc/samba/smb.conf 的 global 部分添加下列内容:

        rpc_server:spoolss = external
        rpc_daemon:spoolssd = fork
        printing = CUPS
       path = /var/spool/samba/
       printable = yes

以上示例会为所有 CUPS 打印队列启用自动共享。如果你只想共享特定打印队列,可以添加如下内容(先将上面的 [printers] 共享移除):

        load printers = no
# 打印共享示例
       path = /var/spool/samba/
       printable = yes
       printer name = hpdj3050

Tips and tricks[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

DHCP with dynamic DNS updates[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

It should be noted that using this method will affect functionality of windows clients, as they will still attempt to update DNS on their own. When this occurs, the machine will be denied permission to do so as the record will be owned by the dhcp user rather than the machine account. While this is essentially harmless, it will generate warnings in the system log of the offending machine. You should create a GPO to overcome this, but unfortunately, Samba does not yet have a command line utility to modify GPOs. You will need a Windows PC with the RSAT tools installed. Simply create a dedicated GPO with the Group Policy Editor, and apply only to OUs that contain workstations using DHCP (so that Samba/Windows servers and statically configured Samba/Windows clients can still update using 'ipconfig /registerdns') and configure the following settings:

Computer Configuration
    Administrative Templates
        DNS Client
          Dynamic Update = Disabled
          Register PTR Records = Disabled

Install the dhcp, sudo, and the samba-dhcpd-updateAUR packages.

Create an unprivileged user in AD for performing the updates. When prompted for password, use a secure password. 63 random, mixed case, alpha-numeric characters is sufficient. Optionally samba-tool also takes a random argument:

# samba-tool user create dhcp --description="Unprivileged user for DNS updates via DHCP server"

Since this is a service account, disabling password expiration on the user account is recommended, but not required:

# samba-tool user setexpiry dhcp --noexpiry

Give the user privileges to administer DNS:

# samba-tool group addmembers DnsAdmins dhcp

Create an SPN and export the users credentials to a private keytab:

# samba-tool spn add server/server.internal.domain.tld@INTERNAL.DOMAIN.TLD dhcp
# samba-tool domain exportkeytab --principal=dhcp@INTERNAL.DOMAIN.TLD dhcpd.keytab
# install -vdm 755 /etc/dhcpd
# mv dhcpd.keytab /etc/dhcpd
# chown root:root /etc/dhcpd/dhcpd.keytab
# chmod 400 /etc/dhcpd/dhcpd.keytab

Modify the dhcpd-update-samba-dns.conf file with the following commands (substituting correct values for server, internal.domain.tld, and INTERNAL.DOMAIN.TLD):

# Variables

Grant the dhcp user account permissions to run the update script without a password prompt (replace server with the hostname of the server):

dhcp server = (root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/

Configure the dhcpd server following the dhcpd article and add the following to all subnet declarations in the /etc/dhcpd.conf file that provide DHCP service:

  on commit {
    set ClientIP = binary-to-ascii(10, 8, ".", leased-address);
    set ClientName = pick-first-value(option host-name, host-decl-name);
    execute("/usr/bin/sudo", "/usr/bin/", "add", ClientIP, ClientName);

  on release {
    set ClientIP = binary-to-ascii(10, 8, ".", leased-address);
    set ClientName = pick-first-value(option host-name, host-decl-name);
    execute("/usr/bin/sudo", "/usr/bin/", "delete", ClientIP, ClientName);

    on expiry {
    set ClientIP = binary-to-ascii(10, 8, ".", leased-address);
    set ClientName = pick-first-value(option host-name, host-decl-name);
    execute("/usr/bin/sudo", "/usr/bin/", "delete", ClientIP, ClientName);

Here is a complete example /etc/dhcpd.conf file for reference:


subnet netmask {
  option subnet-mask;
  option routers;
  option domain-name "internal.domain.tld";
  option domain-name-servers;
  option broadcast-address;
  default-lease-time 28800;
  max-lease-time 43200;

  on commit {
    set ClientIP = binary-to-ascii(10, 8, ".", leased-address);
    set ClientName = pick-first-value(option host-name, host-decl-name);
    execute("/usr/bin/sudo", "/usr/bin/", "add", ClientIP, ClientName);

  on release {
    set ClientIP = binary-to-ascii(10, 8, ".", leased-address);
    set ClientName = pick-first-value(option host-name, host-decl-name);
    execute("/usr/bin/sudo", "/usr/bin/", "delete", ClientIP, ClientName);

    on expiry {
    set ClientIP = binary-to-ascii(10, 8, ".", leased-address);
    set ClientName = pick-first-value(option host-name, host-decl-name);
    execute("/usr/bin/sudo", "/usr/bin/", "delete", ClientIP, ClientName);

Finally, enable and start (or restart) the dhcpd4 service.

Transferring users from one directory to another[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Unfortunately, there is no built-in utility to export users from one directory to another. This is one way, albeit exceptionally ugly, to get the user specific fields out of your existing SAM and into a suitable LDIF format for ldbmodify:

# ldbsearch -H /var/lib/samba/private/sam.ldb \
    -s sub -b cn=Users,dc=internal,dc=domain,dc=tld '(objectClass=user)' | \
    grep -e "^\# record" -e "^accountExpires:" -e "^c:" -e "^cn:" -e "^co:" -e "^codePage:" \
         -e "^comment:" -e "^company:" -e "^countryCode:" -e "^department:" \
         -e "^description:" -e "^displayName" -e "^displayNamePrintable:" \
         -e "^distinguishedName" -e "^division:" -e "^dn:" -e "^employeeID:" \
         -e "^facsimileTelephoneNumber:" -e "^generationQualifier:" \
         -e "^givenName" -e "^homeDirectory:" -e "^homeDrive:" -e "^homePhone:" \
         -e "^homePostalAddress:" -e "^info:" -e "^initials:" \
         -e "^internationalISDNNumber:" -e "^ipPhone:" -e "^l:" -e "^mail:" \
         -e "^manager:" -e "^middleName:" -e "^mobile:" -e "^name:" -e "^o:" \
         -e "^objectClass" -e "^otherFacsimileTelephoneNumber:" \
         -e "^otherHomePhone:" -e "^otherIpPhone:" -e "^otherMailbox:" \
         -e "^otherMobile:" -e "^otherPager:" -e "^otherTelephone:" -e "^pager:" \
         -e "^personalTitle:" -e "^physicalDeliveryOfficeName:" -e "^postalAddress:" \
         -e "^postalCode:" -e "^postOfficeBox:" -e "^proxyAddresses\: SMTP" \
         -e "^proxyAddresses: smtp" -e "^referredDeliveryMethod:" \
         -e "^primaryInternationalISDNNumber:" -e "^primaryTelexNumber:" \
         -e "^profilePath:" -e "^registeredAddress:" -e "^sAMAccountName:" \
         -e "^scriptPath:" -e "^sn:" -e "^st:" -e "^street:" -e "^streetAddress:" \
         -e "^telephoneNumber:" -e "^teletexTerminalIdentifier:" \
         -e "^telexNumber:" -e "^title:" -e "^userAccountControl:" -e "^userPrincipalName:"\
         -e "^url:" -e "^userSharedFolder:" -e "^userSharedFolderOther:" -e "^wWWHomePage:" | \
    sed '/^dn:.*/ a\changetype: add' | sed '/^# record/ i\\n' > user-export.ldif

Explanation: Run an ldbsearch in the users container only, using sub-tree search for objectclass=user. If you need the whole directory, you can modify the search base to use the root or some other OU. The output from ldbsearch is then piped into a really long grep command that returns only appropriate attributes to keep in the new directory. This is obviously subjective, and probably should be tailored to your specific use case. Finally, we use sed to insert the changetype line (needed to tell ldbmodify that we are adding a user), and prefix with a blank line (to make it easier to read) for each exported object.

注意: You will need to modify the output file and remove any objects that you do not want transferred. The output file will contain objects (service users, built-ins, etc.) that can break your new directory if you fail to remove them! It will also contain the old domain in both the "dn" and "distinguishedName" attributies that must be changed before import.

To import, after editing the file and transferring to the new server, simply run the following command on your new samba domain controller:

# ldbmodify -H /var/lib/samba/private/sam.ldb user-export.ldif

Password Complexity[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

By default, Samba requires strong passwords. To disable the complexity check, issue the following command:

# samba-tool domain passwordsettings set --complexity=off

Set Password Settings Objects in the Samba wiki for more information

# samba-tool domain passwordsettings set --complexity=off

Set Password Settings Objects in the Samba wiki for more information