
Logitech Marble Mouse

来自 Arch Linux 中文维基


原因: 请提供模板的第一个位置参数以概括原因。 (在Talk:Logitech Marble Mouse讨论)


安裝[编辑 | 编辑源代码]


基本功能[编辑 | 编辑源代码]



ID 硬體動作 結果
1 左大按鍵 左鍵
2 雙擊(大按鍵) 中鍵 †
3 右大按鍵 右鍵
4 「無」 -
5 「無」 -
6 「無」 -
7 「無」 -
8 左小按鍵 上一頁
9 右小按鍵 下一頁

Template:Note (正體中文)

ID 硬體動作 結果
4 球體向下 鼠標向下
5 球體向上 鼠標向上
6 球體向左 鼠標向左
7 球體向右 鼠標向右

Template:Note (正體中文)

Template:Note (正體中文) 在「滾輪模式」使用軌跡球時,也可使用一些滑鼠手勢的功能,例如,在同時按壓Ctrl鍵跟滾動滾輪可以縮放瀏覽器中的字體。使用軌跡球時,則需同時按壓Ctrl與「滾輪模式按壓鍵」來觸發功能。

配置[编辑 | 编辑源代码]


這個配置含有一些資訊,大部份的Arch使用者使用的現行X server的配置是需要udev熱插拔。

Template:Note (正體中文)

可在Ubuntu 12.04 的Gnome 3環境下使用。

按鍵與軌跡球[编辑 | 编辑源代码]


指定按鍵[编辑 | 编辑源代码]



# 此行是不同的按鈕配置
Option "ButtonMapping" "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9"


# 此行是左手使用都的按鈕配置(僅按鍵左右交換)
Option "ButtonMapping" "3 2 1 4 5 6 7 8 9"



# 這是給右手使用者的,修改了三個按鈕
Option "ButtonMapping" "1 9 3 4 5 6 7 2 2"

參數按順序排列,參數1、2、3、8、9可修改,但軌跡的移動的參數4、5、6、7 不要修改。

雙擊大按鍵[编辑 | 编辑源代码]


經試驗,在缺少設定的情形下,會產生不可確定的結果, 而非預期的「中鍵」。然而,若要雙擊能正確使用,你需要啟用「相黏鍵」功能:

# Emulate3Buttons 係指同時按下按鍵A與D
# 同時按可以模擬「中鍵」或「滾輪鍵」
Option "Emulate3Buttons" "true"

可以使用預設2(滾輪鍵),請參minimal configuration

在2012五月些文章Gnome 3 and middle click emulation顯示,在ubuntu 12.04 Gnome 3的環境下,預設值會變成 「false」而成為「中鍵」,原因是Gnome在Xorg進行設定(即Gnome的設定覆蓋了Xorg的設定),使的模擬被取消了。可由以下令命修正Gnome的行為:

gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.peripherals.mouse middle-button-enabled true

每個使用者僅需下一次令命即可,Gnome會記得這個設定。如果你感興趣可以參考 launchpad bug

滾輪修正鍵[编辑 | 编辑源代码]


Template:Note (正體中文)



Option "EmulateWheel" "true"
Option "EmulateWheelButton" "8"

# 按鍵8是左邊的小按鍵,適合右手使用者。
# 按鍵9是右邊的小按鍵,適合左手使用者。
# 按鍵2不可設定成「滾輪修正鍵」(又稱做"EmulateWheelButton")

取消水平捲動 你可以取消下行的註解,來取消水平捲動。

# 井字號是註解
# Option "XAxisMapping" "6 7"

雖然我使用兩個方向的捲動,但不少人認為單一方向的捲動比較好用。 也許你想嘗試取消垂直方向的捲動,但是類似設定是不能取消垂直方向捲動的。

左撇子或右撇子[编辑 | 编辑源代码]


  • 你可能經常的左右手交替使用
  • 我會在我感到不適前交替

為了左右手交替,我會手動修改配置(加註一些內容)後重啟X server。你也可以依你需要自已寫一些Script自動化這些步驟。

  • 在Arch Linux上,我建議使用輕量的Openbox做視窗管理。

在其他的桌面環境中,可能有一些簡單(或複雜)的小工具做左右手交替的設定。例如,Ubuntu 10.10中,你可以點擊一個滑鼠控制的面版按鈕即進行交替。

System-wide or per-user[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Template:Note (正體中文)

If you want the configuration to be system wide, you can add this line to the InputDevice-Section.

Option "ButtonMapping" "1 8 3 2 9"

For a per-user-configuration you need to put this in your ~/.Xmodmap

pointer = 1 8 3 4 5 6 7 2 9 10 11 12 13

or this in your ~/.xinitrc.

xmodmap -e "pointer = 1 8 3 4 5 6 7 2 9 10 11 12 13"

Xorg input hotplugging[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Template:Note (正體中文)

Two expositions help you configure a trackball with buttons for click, middle-click, right-click, and scrolling. The first exposition uses Xorg Input Hotplugging; the second does not. Edit them to suit your preferences.

Add this entry to your /etc/X11/xorg.conf:

Section "InputClass"
    Identifier   "Logitech Trackball"
    MatchProduct "Trackball"
    Option       "ButtonMapping"      "1 8 3 4 5 6 7 2 9"
    Option       "EmulateWheel"       "True"
    Option       "EmulateWheelButton" "9"
    Option       "XAxisMapping"       "6 7"

To learn more about the used parameters you should read the apropriate section in the evdev man page.

Without Xorg hotplugging[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Template:Note (正體中文)

The mouse device entry in /etc/X11/xorg.conf should look like this:

Section "InputDevice"
    Identifier "Mouse0"
    Driver     "mouse"
    Option     "CorePointer"
    Option     "Device"             "/dev/input/mice"
    Option     "Protocol"           "ExplorerPS/2"
    Option     "Buttons"            "9"
    Option     "ZAxisMapping"       "4 5"
    Option     "XAxisMapping"       "6 7"
    Option     "EmulateWheelButton" "9"
    Option     "EmulateWheel"       "true"

The "Auto" option for "Protocol" works fine, too. Of course you can use the name you prefer as the Identifier, as long as it is the same you use as InputDevice in the Section "ServerLayout" .

Sample configuration[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

The sample configuration modifies and extends the basic function of the Marble Mouse.

In this example, either of the two small buttons may be clicked to send a wheel-click. Wheel-click means the same as "middle-click" here. In addition, one of the small buttons provides scrolling in conjunction with the trackball. Note that only one small button has the ability for scrolling, although both small buttons are able to wheel-click.

Finally, clicking both large buttons simultaneously sends the browser back event. There is no button to send browser forward.

ID Hardware Action Result (this configuration) New assignment
1 Large button left normal click 1
2 Both large buttons browser back 8
3 Large button right right-click 3
8 Small button left † wheel-click 2
9 Small button right ‡ wheel-click 2

Template:Note (正體中文)

Configuration file[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

The following lines are appended to /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-evdev.conf

Note: Users of other Linux distributions may find the configuration file in another location. Ubuntu uses /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-evdev.conf

This example is set up for right-hand placement with horizontal scrolling disabled.

#       - - - Logitech Marble Mouse Settings - - -
#       The Logitech Marble Mouse buttons are mapped [A-D] from left to right: 
#       A (large); B (small) |  C (small); D (large). 
#       Preferred options for right-handed usage:
#       A = normal click [1]  
#       B = middle-click [2] 
#       C = middle-click [2] 
#       D = right-click [3]
#       Hold button B while rolling trackball to emulate wheel-scrolling. 
#       Preferred options for left-handed usage:
#       A = right-click [3]  
#       B = middle-click [2] 
#       C = middle-click [2]
#       D = normal click [1]
#       Hold button C while rolling trackball to emulate wheel-scrolling.
#       Pressing both large buttons simultaneously (b) produces a "back" action.

Section "InputClass"
        Identifier  "Marble Mouse"
        MatchProduct "Logitech USB Trackball"
        MatchIsPointer "on"
        MatchDevicePath "/dev/input/event*"
        Driver "evdev"

#       Physical button #s:     A b D - - - - B C    
#       Option "ButtonMapping" "1 8 3 4 5 6 7 2 2"   right-hand placement
#       Option "ButtonMapping" "3 8 1 4 5 6 7 2 2"   left-hand placement
#       b = A & D 
        Option "ButtonMapping" "1 8 3 4 5 6 7 2 2"

#       EmulateWheel: Use Marble Mouse trackball as mouse wheel 
#       Factory Default: 8; Use 9 for right side small button
        Option "EmulateWheel" "true"
        Option "EmulateWheelButton" "8"

#       EmulateWheelInertia: How far (in pixels) the pointer must move to
#       generate button press/release events in wheel emulation mode.
#       Factory Default: 50
        Option "EmulateWheelInertia" "10"

#       Axis Mapping: Enable vertical [ZAxis] and horizontal [XAxis] scrolling
        Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"
#       Option "XAxisMapping" "6 7"

#       Emulate3Buttons: Required to interpret simultaneous press of two large
#       buttons, A & D, as a seperate command, b.
#       Factory Default: true
        Option "Emulate3Buttons" "true"

Restarting X[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Changes made to xorg configuration files do not take effect until the X session is restarted. To restart the X session, simply log out from your window manager and log back in.

Or, depending on what display manager you use, you can use one of the following commands:

Default Ubuntu (with LightDM) : sudo restart lightdm

Gnome (with GDM) : sudo restart gdm

KDE (with KDM) : sudo restart kdm

Minimal configuration[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Using evdev[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

At times it can be useful to start with the absolute minimum and build from there. This is one facet of The Arch Way. In this spirit, I decided to see how few lines I might use to create a usable Marble Mouse configuration.

You can omit all configuration lines and the Marble Mouse is still usable for basic pointing and clicking. However, it will not be able to scroll. The "both-large-button" simultaneous click produces indeterminate results — experimentation shows this.

Given that you are satisfied with default button settings and you wish only to enable scrolling and the "both-large-button" click, you need these lines. The following lines are appended to /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-evdev.conf.

Section "InputClass"
        Identifier  "Marble Mouse"
        MatchProduct "Logitech USB Trackball"
        Option "EmulateWheel" "true"
        Option "EmulateWheelButton" "8"
        Option "XAxisMapping" "6 7"
        Option "Emulate3Buttons" "true"

Using libinput[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

As of version 3.16 GDM/Gnome uses libinput. For the device to work as described in the above section (note that wheel click emulation is not yet supported by libinput) you need to install xf86-input-libinput and instead append this to /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-libinput.conf.

Section "InputClass"
        Identifier      "Marble Mouse"
        MatchProduct    "Logitech USB Trackball"
        Driver          "libinput"
        Option          "ScrollMethod" "button"
        Option          "ScrollButton" "8"

Additional tweaks[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Console (gpm)[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

See Console mouse support for details. Within the console you can use gpm with type option set to imps2. Edit /etc/conf.d/gpm such that:

GPM_ARGS="-m /dev/input/mice -t imps2"

This lets you use the large left button for selecting text and the right button to extend the selection. The small left button acts as a middle-click; it pastes the selection.

Chromium browser[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

By default, Chromium treats a middle-click as a paste command. This choice stems from "Linux tradition", not the capricious whim of one developer. Like myself, you may prefer a Windows approach. I want the middle button(s) to initiate automatic scrolling, not pasting:

  • A browser extension AutoScroll allows middle-click to initiate automatic scrolling.
  • This extension is helpful for any Linux user with a wheel mouse, not just Marble Mouse users.
  • A middle-click initiates automatic scrolling when clicked on a blank area of a web page.
  • When you program both small buttons to emit middle-click, either button can initiate automatic scrolling. That is a click function.
  • When you program one of the small buttons to act as scroll modifier (mouse setup), you can manually scroll web pages without fixing the browser. That is a press‑and‑hold function. (I recommend installing AutoScroll even though it is not absolutely necessary for scrolling.)
  • After you assign the scroll modifier to one of the small buttons, the small buttons act a bit differently from one another. The difference is seen when you compare their "press‑and‑hold" behaviors.

Be sure to install AutoScroll; the similarly-named Auto Scroll extension implements a different feature.

This information also applies to the browser called Google Chrome.

Firefox browser[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Older versions of Firefox map horizontal-scrolling hardware to perform browser back and browser forward navigation.

This makes vertical scrolling using the trackball almost impossible.

The slightest horizontal motion triggers a URL redirection. To fix this:

  • Enter about:config in the location bar
  • Find the internal variable named mousewheel.horizscroll.withnokey.action. Set its value to 0.
  • It may be useful to set mousewheel.horizscroll.withnokey.numlines to 1 as well.

See also[编辑 | 编辑源代码]