
来自 Arch Linux 中文维基

Herbstluftwm是一个使用 Xlib 的手动 X11 窗口管理器。

安装[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

安装 herbstluftwm 包或 herbstluftwm-gitAUR (开发版本)。

启动[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

从 TTY 启动[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

xinit 启动 herbstluftwm

作为桌面环境启动[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

herbstluftwm 包含可以启动窗口管理器的 herbstluftwm.desktop 作为 Xsession

从其他窗口管理器启动[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

如果已经启动了一个窗口管理器会话,可以用 herbstluftwm --replace 替换掉原窗口管理器。

第一步[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

阅读 herbstluftwm(1)herbstclient(1) 手册页,它们包含很多对配置选项和有效值的解释。

配置[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

复制 /etc/xdg/herbstluftwm/autostart~/.config/herbstluftwm/autostart。可以按需修改文件。 保证 autostart 文件可执行,否则键绑定极有可能失效!

Herbstluftwm 的配置可以用 herbstclient reload 即时更新 (见 #Commands)。每次 reload 配置时 Autostart 脚本都会被调用,所以它一般会先恢复所有配置到默认值。

多显示器支持[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Herbstluftwm 支持多个显示器 as a virtual concept;Herbstluftwm 中,显示器信息不必与 xrandr 报告的真实监视器配置相匹配。它带来了很大的灵活性,让用户可以更好地控制显示器的布置。可以使用 herbstclient detect_monitors 自动适应物理设置,或者通过手册了解如何添加、移除、调整和移动显示器。多监视器设置中的标记不为某个监视器 "拥有"。这意味着当一个监视器切换到另一个监视器中激活的标记时,两个监视器将交换标记。

命令[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Herbstclient 很强大,因为它能让你通过命令行完全控制窗口管理器。

Herbstclient 的参数支持 Tab 补全。用 herbstclient list_commands 查看所有参数。

现在如果传给 Herbstclient 的参数有误,Herbstclient 不会打印错误信息,指挥以非零值退出。如果不通过其他方式显示返回值(比如用$SHELL-prompt),可能需要用 echo $? 打印返回值。

脚本和钩子[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

The main way to control herbstluftwm is though commands to herbstclient. Since herbstclient can be called from any script, you have great flexibility in controlling herbstluftwm this way. Furthermore, you can listen to window management events and react to them accordingly.

Herbstluftwm includes a number of example scripts: /usr/share/doc/herbstluftwm/examples/ or https://github.com/herbstluftwm/herbstluftwm/tree/master/scripts

Script to switch to the next empty tag[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

The following python script allows you to switch to the (next or previous) (full or empty) tag. Call it with the arguments (+1 or -1) and (full or empty). For example, if you save the script to herbst-move.py, then

python3 herbst-move.py +1 full

will move you to the next full tag. I use the following key bindings.

hc keybind $Mod-Left  spawn herbst-move.py -1 empty
hc keybind $Mod-Right spawn herbst-move.py +1 empty
hc keybind $Mod-Up spawn herbst-move.py -1 full
hc keybind $Mod-Down spawn herbst-move.py +1 full

And here is the script.

#!/usr/bin/env python3
def run(*cmd):
    from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
    proc = Popen(cmd, shell=False, stderr=PIPE, stdout=PIPE)
    return proc.stdout.read()

import sys
tag_offset, mode = sys.argv[1:]
tag_offset = int(tag_offset)
if mode == 'full':
    ch = {'.'}
elif mode == 'empty':
    ch = {':', '!'}
    raise Exception('Unknown type ' + mode)
tag_list = run('herbstclient', 'tag_status', '0').strip().decode('ascii').split('\t')
tag_curr = int(run('herbstclient', 'attr', 'tags.focus.index').strip())
tag_next = (tag_curr + tag_offset) % len(tag_list)
while (tag_next != tag_curr) and (tag_list[tag_next][0] in ch):
    tag_next = (tag_next + tag_offset) % len(tag_list)
if tag_next != tag_curr:
    run('herbstclient', 'use_index', str(tag_next))

Script to cycle though paddings (or other settings)[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Here is a ruby script to cycle through a set of paddings, although you can modify it to cycle though any collection of settings. The script knows the previous layout by looking for the presence of two dummy files in /tmp.


file1 = "/tmp/herbst-padding-1"
file2 = "/tmp/herbst-padding-2"

pad1 = 'pad 0 0 0 0 0'
pad2 = 'pad 0 0 20 0 200'
pad3 = 'pad 0 0 0 0 150'

files = [file1, file2].map{|f| File.exist? File.expand_path(f)}

if files == [false, false]  # 0 files
  system "herbstclient #{pad2}"
  system "touch #{file1}"
elsif files == [true, false]  # 1 file
  system "herbstclient #{pad1}"
  system "touch #{file2}"
else           # 2 files
  system "herbstclient #{pad3}"
  system "rm #{file1} #{file2}"

Script to change decoration per-tag[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

The following Perl script demonstrates how to use hooks to react to window management events. It can be called in autostart (with backgrounding).

# This script watches for tag changes and gives visual feedback

## Configuration (fill with your tag names)
my %colors = (
	main => '#DD0000',
	devel => '#13B8E0',
	write => '#96E013',
	admin => '#C713E0'

## Apply tag color
# Right now we change the active window's border color to the tag's color.
sub redecorate
	my ($foo, $activity) = @_;
	system("herbstclient", "set", "window_border_active_color",

## main routine
use v5.20;

# set up a pipe for reading hooks
open HOOKS, "herbstclient -i '(tag_changed|reload)'|"
	or die "can't fork: $!";
# process incoming messages
while (<HOOKS>) {
	for ($_) {
		redecorate(split(/\t/)) when /^tag_changed/;
		last OUTER when /^reload/; # quit on reload
close HOOKS or die "unfinished love story: $! $?"; # happens on hlwm crash

Troubleshooting[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

  • After installing, $mod+enter keybind does not start a terminal: the herbstluftwm autostart configuration file uses the xterm terminal by default. Make sure xterm is installed or edit the autostart file to use a different terminal.
  • To log out of herbstluftwm, use the command herbstclient quit or the default keybind of $mod+shift-q

See also[编辑 | 编辑源代码]