

来自 Arch Linux 中文维基


附注: Brother 与 HP 部分已翻译完成(在 Talk:CUPS/打印机特定问题# 中讨论)

本文包含特定于打印机或制造商的CUPS说明。 如果此处尚未列出您的打印机,或者列出的驱动程序都不能正常工作,请参阅 OpenPrinting

注意:如果您在此列表中添加了打印机,请考虑将您的条目贡献到 OpenPrinting - 这样其他发行版的用户也会从中受益!

Brother[编辑 | 编辑源代码]



Printers Driver/filter Notes
DCP-1510 series (DCP-1510, DCP-1510r, DCP-1511, DCP-1512, DCP-1512r, DCP-1518) brother-dcp1510AUR
DCP-7010, DCP-7020, DCP-7025, DCP-8060, DCP-8065DN, FAX-2820, FAX-2920, HL-2030, HL-2040, HL-2070N, HL-5240, HL-5250DN, HL-5270DN, HL-5280DW, MFC-7220, MFC-7225N, MFC-7420, MFC-7820N, MFC-8460N, MFC-8660DN, MFC-8860DN, MFC-8870DW brother-cups-wrapper-laserAUR
HL-4040CN, HL-4040CDN, HL-4050CDN, HL-4070CDW, MFC-9440CN, MFC-9450CDN, MFC-9840CDW, DCP-9040CN, DCP-9042CDN, DCP-9045CDN brother-cups-wrapper-acAUR
DCP-1510 series, DCP-1600 series, DCP-7030, DCP-7040, DCP-7055, DCP-7055W, DCP-7060D, DCP-7065DN, DCP-7080, DCP-L2500D series, DCP-L2520D series, DCP-L2540DW series, HL-1110 series, HL-1200 series, HL-2030 series, HL-2140 series, HL-2220 series, HL-2270DW series, HL-5030 series, HL-L2300D series, HL-L2320D series, HL-L2340D series, HL-L2360D series, MFC-1910W, MFC-1919NW, MFC-7240, MFC-7360N, MFC-7365DN, MFC-7840W, Lenovo M7605D brlaserAUR
Unofficial driver, may be compatible with more models


Printer Driver/filter Notes
DCP-135C brother-dcp135cAUR
DCP-150C brother-dcp150cAUR
DCP-150C brother-dcp150cAUR
DCP-2550DW brother-dcp-l2550dwAUR
DCP-B7500D brother-dcpb7500dAUR
DCP-L3550CDW brother-dcpl3550cdwAUR Use IPP driver as described here and here.
DCP-7020 foomatic Or Brother's driver.
DCP-7030 brother-dcp7030AUR
DCP-7065DN brother-dcp7065dnAUR
DCP-7090DW brother-dcp7090dwAUR
DCP-9020CDW brother-dcp-9020cdwAUR
DCP-9022CDW brother-dcp-9022cdwAUR
DCP-J515W brother-dcp-j515wAUR
DCP-J4110DW brother-dcpj4110dwAUR
DCP-J1200W brother-dcpj1200wAUR "DCPJ1200W" is added automatically to cups when installing this aur package. multilib not required. SANE drivers for this model: brscan5AUR
FAX-2820 brother-cups-wrapper-laserAUR
FAX-2840 brother-fax2840AUR Or foomatic - works mostly with hpijs-pcl5e.ppd. Same as the HL-2170W.
FAX-2940 brother-fax2940AUR
HL-1110 brlaser-gitAUR Tested and it works
HL-2030 foomatic Or brother-hl2030AUR
HL-2035 foomatic Should be compatible with any drivers for the HL-2030.
HL-2040 foomatic Or brother-hl2040AUR
HL-2130 foomatic (using the HL-2140 driver) Or hplip
HL-2135W brother-brgenml1AUR
HL-2140 foomatic Or brother-hl2140AUR
HL-2170W foomatic Or Brother's driver.
HL-2230 foomatic Same as HL-2170W. Select HL-2170W as the driver in CUPS admin when adding a printer.
HL-2250DN brother-brgenml1AUR brother-hl2250dnAUR is broken?
HL-2270DW brother-hl2270dwAUR
HL-2280DW brother-hl2280dwAUR
HL-3045CN Install Brother's driver or brother-hl3040cnAUR.
HL-3140CW brother-hl3140cwAUR Use IPP and Brother's driver to avoid page-shrinking and endless blank printouts
HL-3150CDW brother-hl3150cdwAUR
HL-3170CDW brother-hl3170cdwAUR
HL-4150CDN brother-hl4150cdnAUR
HL-5140 foomatic Or Brother's driver.
HL-5340 foomatic Using the Generic PCL 6/PCL XL Printer - CUPS+Gutenprint (gutenprint and foomatic-db-gutenprint-ppds). Or Brother's driver, which may result in failed prints with postscript errors.
HL-L2300D brother-hll2300dAUR brlaser-gitAUR works better. Using the brother driver, only defaults are honored and print-specific settings are ignored.
HL-L2340DW brother-hll2340dwAUR
HL-L2350DW brother-hll2350dwAUR
HL-L2360DN brother-hll2360dAUR Or brlaser-gitAUR
HL-L2360DW brother-hll2360dAUR brlaser-gitAUR should works.
HL-L2365DW brother-hll2360dAUR brlaser-gitAUR should works.
HL-L2380DW brother-hll2380dwAUR
HL-L2390DW Arch-provided Brother Driver Choose the ipp Driverless Brother Printer that appears on the list of #Network printers.
HL-L2395DW brother-hll2395dwAUR Use the socket protocol as described in #Network printers
HL-L3230CDW brother-hll3230cdwAUR Or https://github.com/splitbrain/archlinux-brother-hll3230cdw
HL-L3270CDW brother-hll3270cdwAUR Use the lpd protocol as described in #Network printers.
HL-L5100DN HP LaserJet Foomatic driver This model will emulate a HP LaserJet. Use the lpd protocol as described in #Network printers.
HL-L8360CDW brother-hll8360cdw-cups-binAUR
MFC-420CN brother-mfc-420cnAUR
MFC-440CN brother-mfc-440cnAUR
MFC-7360N brother-mfc7360nAUR Or brlaser-gitAUR
MFC-7460DN Gutenprint Use the Generic PCL 6 Printer wide margin - CUPS+Gutenprint driver, with address ipp://hostname-or-ip/pcl_p1.
MFC-7840W brother-mfc-7840wAUR Or brlaser-gitAUR
MFC-9320CW Install Brother's driver.
MFC-9332CDW brother-mfc-9332cdwAUR
MFC-9840CDW foomatic Or Brother's driver. This printer also works with the generic PCL-6 driver from the gutenprint package. Use pcl_p1 for the printer's address when using the PCL-6 driver.
MFC-J1300DW brother-mfc-j1300dwAUR Use the ipp protocol as described in #Network printers.
MFC-J435W brother-mfc-j435wAUR Use lpd://[printer_addr]/BINARY_P1 or http://[printer_addr]/POSTSCRIPT_P1 as described in the comments section of the AUR package page.
MFC-J470DW brother-mfc-j470dwAUR Use the ipp protocol as described in #Network printers.
MFC-J4710DW brother-mfc-j4710dwAUR
MFC-J480DW brother-mfc-j480dwAUR Use the ipp protocol as described in #Network printers.
MFC-J5520DW brother-mfc-j5520dwAUR
MFC-J5845DW brother-mfc-j5845dwAUR Use the ipp protocol as described in #Network printers.
MFC-J5910DW brother-mfc-j5910dwAUR
MFC-J650DW Install Brother's driver.
MFC-J885DW brother-mfc-j885dwAUR
MFC-J985DW brother-mfc-j985dwAUR
MFC-L2700DN brother-mfc-l2700dnAUR Please look also at the comments section of the AUR package page.
MFC-L2700DW brother-mfc-l2700dwAUR Please look also at the comments section of the AUR package page.
MFC-L2710DN brother-mfc-l2700dnAUR Use the ipp protocol as described in #Network printers.
MFC-L2710DW brother-mfc-l2710dwAUR Use the lpd protocol as described in #Network printers.
MFC-L2720DW brother-mfc-l2720dwAUR Please look also at the comments section of the AUR package page.
MFC-L2730DW brother-mfc-l2730dwAUR Please look also at the comments section of the AUR package page.
MFC-L2740DW brother-mfc-l2740dwAUR Please look also at the comments section of the AUR package page.
MFC-L3770CDW brother-mfc-l3770cdwAUR Please look also at the comments section of the AUR package page.
MFC-L5800DW brother-mfc-l5750dwAUR
MFC-L8600CDW brother-mfc-l8600cdwAUR Please follow the instructions on the AUR page.
QL-500 brother-ql500AUR
QL-570 brother-ql570AUR
QL-580N brother-ql580nAUR
QL-650TD brother-ql650tdAUR
QL-700 brother-ql700AUR
QL-710W brother-ql710wAUR
QL-720NW brother-ql720nwAUR
QL-1050 brother-ql1050AUR
QL-1050N brother-ql1050nAUR
QL-1060 brother-ql1060nAUR
QL-1110NWB brother-ql1110nwbAUR
TD-2020 brother-td2020AUR
TD-2120N brother-td2120nAUR
TD-2130N brother-td2130nAUR
TD-4000 brother-td4000AUR
TD-4100N brother-td4100nAUR
Printer Driver/filter Notes

网络打印机[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

对于网络打印机,请使用 ipp://打印机_ip/ipp/port1 作为打印机地址。 对于某些较老的打印机,这可能不起作用。如果不行,请尝试使用 lpd://打印机_ip/BINARY_P1 代替。

某些打印机使用套接字协议。对于这些打印机,请使用 socket://打印机_IP:9100。 对于 http,使用 http://打印机_ip/POSTSCRIPT_P1

定制驱动程序[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Brother 公司在其网站上提供源代码压缩包、rpm 或 deb 格式的定制驱动程序。打包 Brother 打印机驱动程序包括创建 PKGBUILD 使用现有 RPM 包。

注意:源码包可能是 rpm 包的更好替代品,前提是它们包含所有需要的文件。

手动安装 RPM 软件包[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

警告:这最好在 PKGBUILD 中自动完成。

安装 rpmextract 软件包, 并使用 rpmextract.sh 解压缩所有 rpm 包。解压缩两个文件后将创建一个 var 和一个 usr 目录,将这两个目录中的内容移至相应的根目录。

运行 /usr/local/Brother/cupswrapper 中的 cups wrapper 文件。这会自动安装和配置 brother 打印机。

对于某些驱动程序,可能需要从,multilib 安装 32 位库。

升级固件[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

安装 net-snmp 并运行:

$ snmpwalk -c public $PRINTER_IP | grep -A 1


$ snmpwalk -v 2c -c public iso.

此时,您将获得相关数据,从而从 Brother 获得有效的固件下载链接。该文件应与下面的文件相似:


将此文件发送给 Brother:

$ curl -X POST -d @request.xml https://firmverup.brother.co.jp/kne_bh7_update_nt_ssl/ifax2.asmx/fileUpdate -H "Content-Type:text/xml" > response.xml

response.xml 中,您可以找到包含固件下载 URL 的 <PATH> 标记。接下来,下载固件并将其推送到打印机,然后让打印机进行处理。在此之前,请将管理员密码更改为已知密码,因为该密码将被用作登录 FTP 站点的用户名(非常糟糕的做法,请勿这样做)。

$ wget http://update-akamai.brother.co.jp/CS/LZ4266_W.djf[失效链接 2023-07-30 ⓘ]
$ ftp $PRINTER_IP|
ftp> bin
ftp> hash
ftp> send LZ4266_W.djf
ftp> bye


IPP-over-USB[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

在使用某些型号的 USB 端口时,您可能会遇到一些问题。

Brother 提供了一个 shell 脚本来创建 udev 规则,以防止使用 IPP-over-USB。这可能会解决 USB 打印问题,但意味着你需要使用传统的 LPR 驱动程序。请参阅 FAQ 文章

Canon[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

There are many possible drivers for Canon printers. Many Canon printers are supported by Gutenprint and foomatic-db-ppds. Some of Canon's LBP, iR, and MF printers use a driver supporting the UFR II/UFR II LT/LIPSLX protocols, #UFRII . Others use the #CARPS, or #cnijfilter (cnijfilter2AUR / cnijfilter2-binAUR[损坏的链接:package not found]), or Canon CAPT drivers.

Printer Driver/filter Notes
iP4300 Gutenprint Or use the TurboPrint driver.
PIXMA G4000 series Misidentifies itself as Canon G3010 Series. Use Canon PIXMA G4000 - CUPS+Gutenprint driver instead.
LBP810 Canon CAPT
LBP5050 series
LBP7200Cdn (network mode)
LBP7200C series
LBP7110cw (network mode) cnrdrvcups-lbAUR v 5.00
LBP112 cndrvcups-ltAUR
MF216n (network over ldp) cndrvcups-lb-binAUR
MF8080Cw See CUPS#Network for discovery.
FAX-L400 carps-cups-gitAUR
FP-L170 Should work, unverified
imageCLASS D300
L380 Should work, unverified
L389 Should work, unverified
LASERCLASS 500 Should work, unverified
MF350 Should work, unverified
MF5650 Should work, unverified
MG4200 series cnijfilter-mg4200AUR Avoid the web interface when adding the printer as it will not find the PPD file.
MB2350 cnijfilter2AUR
cnijfilter2-binAUR[损坏的链接:package not found]
TR8500 series
TS3100 series
TS8050 Without cnijfilter2AUR printing will fail with a filter error or you might get "Rendering Completed" and nothing will print
TS9020 canon-ts9020AUR
TR8600 series canon-tr8600-seriesAUR
Printer Driver/filter Notes

Some Canon printers will use a similar setup to the iP4500, so consider modifying the cnijfilter-ip4500AUR package for other, similar printers.

UFRII[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Many LBP, iR, and MF printers use a protocol that has had several names over the years: UFR II, UFR II LT, LIPSLX. There are multiple packages for these printers in AUR, and at least the imageCLASS MF4570dn and i-SENSYS MF633C are reported to only work with the older v3.70 version.

cnrdrvcups-lbAUR v 5.00: latest version built from source

cndrvcups-lbAUR 3.70 and cndrvcups-common-lbAUR 4.10: older version built from source

cndrvcups-lb-binAUR v3.70: uses Canon provided binaries with location/config adjustments to make them work on Arch Linux

cndrvcups-ltAUR v5.00: uses Canon provided binaries for other printers (e.g. LBP6030).

CARPS[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Some of Canon's printers use Canon's proprietary CARPS (Canon Advanced Raster Printing System) driver. Rainbow Software have managed to reverse engineer the CARPS data format and have successfully created a CARPS CUPS driver, which is available as carps-cups-gitAUR. The project's GitHub page includes a list of working printers.

USB over IP (BJNP)[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Some Canon printers use Canon's proprietary USB over IP BJNP protocol to communicate over the network. There is a CUPS backend for this, which is available as cups-bjnpAUR.

cnijfilter[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Some printers using the cnijfilter drivers support the cnijnet protocol. To find the printer URI run

$ cnijnetprn --search auto

and use the cnijnet:/ URI in the output.

Other driver versions, as is the case for the current version of cnijfilter2AUR, provide the cnijlgmon3 binary to search for available printers.

$ cnijlgmon3
network cnijbe2://Canon/?port=net&serial=60-12-81-A7-7D-34 "Canon MB2300 series" "Canon-MB2300-series_60-12-81-A7-7D-34"

The printer can be added to cups using the cnijbe2 url and an appropriate .ppd file, which should be shipped with your driver.

$ lpadmin -p CustomPrinterNameMB2300 -P /usr/share/cups/model/canonmb2300.ppd -v "cnijbe2://Canon/?port=net&serial=60-12-81-A7-7D-34" -E

The argument serial in the cnijbe2 url corresponds to the MAC address of the printer.

IPP Everywhere[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

For recent Canon printers, like the G7000 series, it can be hard to find a valid driver. However, it is possible to use a driverless installation using IPP Everywhere.

If you have installed avahi, CUPS should be able to detect your printer automatically.

However, if it fails, you can always enter your printer settings manually. In CUPS web interface select Internet Printing Protocol (ipp) and enter the IPP URL of the printer. Then at the driver selection screen selectGeneric > {current_make_and_model} - IPP Everywhere ™.

For the G7000 series the IPP URL is ipp://<printer_ip> or ipps://<printer_ip>.

Dell[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Printer Driver/filter Notes
1250C foo2zjs-nightlyAUR The printer may also work with the Xerox Phaser 6000B driver.
E515 Install Dell's driver. Both e515dwcupswrapper-3.2.0-1.i386.deb and e515dwlpr-3.2.0-1.i386.deb need to be installed. You could either write a PKGBUILD, use debtapAUR, or use dpkg (using dpkg is not recommended as the files will not be managed by pacman). The driver works on both the x86_64 and i386 platforms, but may require multilib.
S1130n dell-unified-driverAUR Driver conflicts with samsung-unified-driver-printerAUR (as dell-unified-driverAUR appears to be based on the Samsung one, and they create several of the same files)
Printer Driver/filter Notes

Epson[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

epson-inkjet-printer-escprAUR and epson-inkjet-printer-escpr2AUR are sets of drivers using the Epson Inkjet Printer Driver (ESC/P-R) for Linux.

Drivers for multiple printer modules:

注意:To the editor:
  • The drivers can be downloaded from Epson: escpr, escpr2
  • Under "ARM ESC/P-R (2) Driver", look for "Or if you want to use the source package for arm CPU, please _click here_." Since the download links normally are the same, wget may be used:
   # wget --trust-server-names "https://download.ebz.epson.net/dsc/du/02/DriverDownloadInfo.do?LG2=JA&CN2=US&CTI=176&PRN=Linux%20src%20package&OSC=LX&DL"  # escpr
   # wget --trust-server-names "https://download.ebz.epson.net/dsc/du/02/DriverDownloadInfo.do?LG2=JA&CN2=US&CTI=178&PRN=Linux%20src%20package&OSC=LX&DL"  # escpr2
  • To list all PPDs within the $TARGZ_FILE (replace with actual tarball, e.g. epson-inkjet-printer-escpr-1.8.1-1.tar.gz or epson-inkjet-printer-escpr2-1.2.8-1.tar.gz), this shell command may be used:
   # tar -ztf $TARGZ_FILE --wildcards '*.ppd' | sed -e 's/epson-inkjet-printer-escpr[0-9]*-.*\/ppd\///; s/-epson-escpr[0-9]*-en.ppd//; s/Epson-//; y/_/ /' | sort -V - | sed -e 's/\([0-9]\)\(\s\)\([0-9]\)/\1\/\3/g' | sed -e ':a' -e 'N' -e '$!ba' -e 's/\n/, /g'
  • Do not use if you're unsure!
Printers Driver/filter Notes
Artisan 630, Artisan 700, Artisan 710, Artisan 720, Artisan 730, Artisan 800, Artisan 810, Artisan 830, Artisan 837, Artisan 1430, EC-C110 Series, EP-10VA Series, EP-30VA Series, EP-306 Series, EP-315 Series, EP-702A, EP-703A, EP-704A, EP-705A Series, EP-706A Series, EP-707A Series, EP-708A Series, EP-709A Series, EP-710A Series, EP-711A Series, EP-712A Series, EP-713A Series, EP-714A Series, EP-715A Series, EP-716A Series, EP-774A, EP-775A Series, EP-776A Series, EP-777A Series, EP-801A, EP-802A, EP-803A, EP-804A, EP-805A Series, EP-806A Series, EP-807A Series, EP-808A Series, EP-810A Series, EP-811A Series, EP-812A Series, EP-813A Series, EP-814A Series, EP-815A Series, EP-816A Series, EP-901A, EP-901F, EP-902A, EP-903A, EP-903F, EP-904A, EP-904F, EP-905A Series, EP-905F Series, EP-906F Series, EP-907F Series, EP-976A3 Series, EP-977A3 Series, EP-978A3 Series, EP-979A3 Series, EP-4004, EP-M552T Series, EP-M553T Series, EP-M570T Series, ET-1110 Series, ET-1810 Series, ET-2400 Series, ET-2500 Series, ET-2550 Series, ET-2600 Series, ET-2610 Series, ET-2650 Series, ET-2700 Series, ET-2710 Series, ET-2720 Series, ET-2750 Series, ET-2760 Series, ET-2800 Series, ET-2810 Series, ET-2820 Series, ET-2850 Series, ET-4500 Series, ET-4550 Series, ET-4700 Series, ET-4800 Series, ET-7700 Series, ET-7750 Series, ET-16500 Series, ET-M1100 Series, ET-M1120 Series, ET-M2120 Series, EW-052A Series, EW-M571T Series, EW-M660FT Series, EW-M770T Series, EW-M970A3T Series, EW-M5071FT Series, E-150, E-200, E-300, E-330, E-330S, E-340, E-350, E-360 Series, E-370 Series, E-500, E-520, E-530, E-600, E-700, E-720, E-800, E-810, E-820, E-830 Series, E-840 Series, E-850 Series, K200, K300, L364 Series, L375 Series, L385 Series, L386 Series, L395 Series, L396 Series, L405 Series, L455 Series, L475 Series, L485 Series, L486 Series, L495 Series, L565 Series, L575 Series, L605 Series, L655 Series, L805 Series, L810 Series, L850 Series, L1110 Series, L1455 Series, L3050 Series, L3060 Series, L3070 Series, L3100 Series, L3110 Series, L3150 Series, L3160 Series, L3250 Series, L3260 Series, L4150 Series, L4160 Series, L4260 Series, L5190 Series, L5290 Series, L7160 Series, L7180 Series, M200 Series, M205 Series, M1100 Series, M1120 Series, M2110 Series, M2120 Series, ME 200, ME OFFICE 510, ME OFFICE 520, ME OFFICE 530, ME OFFICE 560W, ME OFFICE 570, ME OFFICE 620F, ME OFFICE 650FN, ME OFFICE 700FW, ME OFFICE 900WD, ME OFFICE 940FW, ME OFFICE 960FWD, ME Office 600F, ME-301 Series, ME-303 Series, ME-400 Series, NX230 TX230, NX430 TX435, PF-70 Series, PF-71 Series, PF-81 Series, PM-400 Series, PM-A750, PM-A820, PM-A840, PM-A840S, PM-A890, PM-A920, PM-A940, PM-A950, PM-A970, PM-D600, PM-D800, PM-D870, PM-G850, PM-G4500, PM-T960, PM-T990, PX-5V, PX-7V, PX-046A Series, PX-047A Series, PX-048A Series, PX-049A Series, PX-205 Series, PX-404A, PX-405A Series, PX-434A, PX-435A Series, PX-436A Series, PX-437A Series, PX-501A, PX-502A, PX-503A, PX-504A, PX-505F Series, PX-535F Series, PX-601F, PX-602F, PX-603F, PX-605F Series, PX-673F, PX-675F Series, PX-1600F, PX-1700F, PX-5600, PX-A620, PX-A640, PX-A650, PX-A720, PX-A740, PX-B700, PX-B750F, PX-FA700, PX-G5300, PX-M160T Series, PX-M350F, PX-M650A, PX-M650F, PX-M740F, PX-M741F, PX-M840F, PX-M840FX, PX-M860F, PX-M5040F, PX-M5041F, PX-M7050FP, PX-M7050FX, PX-M7050 Series, PX-S05 Series, PX-S06 Series, PX-S155 Series, PX-S160T Series, PX-S170T Series, PX-S170UT Series, PX-S350, PX-S505 Series, PX-S740, PX-S840, PX-S840X, PX-S860, PX-S5040, PX-S7050PS, PX-S7050X, PX-S7050 Series, PictureMate 500, PictureMate Deluxe, PictureMate Express, PictureMate PM 200, PictureMate PM 210, PictureMate PM 215, PictureMate PM 225, PictureMate PM 235, PictureMate PM 240, PictureMate PM 245, PictureMate PM 250, PictureMate PM 260, PictureMate PM 270, PictureMate PM 280, PictureMate PM 290, PictureMate PM 300, PictureMate PM 310, ST-2000 Series, ST-C2100 Series, Stylus CX2800, Stylus CX2900, Stylus CX3700, Stylus CX3800, Stylus CX3900, Stylus CX4200, Stylus CX4800, Stylus CX4900, Stylus CX5000, Stylus CX5900, Stylus CX6000, Stylus CX7300, Stylus CX7400, Stylus CX7700, Stylus CX7800, Stylus CX8300, Stylus CX8400, Stylus CX9300F, Stylus CX9400Fax, Stylus DX3800, Stylus DX4000, Stylus DX4200, Stylus DX4800, Stylus DX5000, Stylus DX7400, Stylus DX8400, Stylus DX9400F, Stylus NX200, Stylus NX210, Stylus NX230, Stylus NX300, Stylus NX330, Stylus NX400, Stylus NX410, Stylus NX420, Stylus NX430, Stylus NX510, Stylus NX530, Stylus NX620, Stylus NX635, Stylus Office BX300F, Stylus Office BX305, Stylus Office BX305 Plus, Stylus Office BX310FN, Stylus Office BX320FW, Stylus Office BX525WD, Stylus Office BX535WD, Stylus Office BX600FW, Stylus Office BX610FW, Stylus Office BX620FWD, Stylus Office BX630FW, Stylus Office BX635FWD, Stylus Office BX925, Stylus Office BX935, Stylus Office TX300F, Stylus Office TX320F, Stylus Office TX510FN, Stylus Office TX515FN, Stylus Office TX525FW, Stylus Office TX600FW, Stylus Office TX610FW, Stylus Office TX620FWD, Stylus Photo 1400, Stylus Photo 1410, Stylus Photo 1430, Stylus Photo 1500, Stylus Photo PX650, Stylus Photo PX660, Stylus Photo PX700W, Stylus Photo PX710W, Stylus Photo PX720WD, Stylus Photo PX730, Stylus Photo PX800FW, Stylus Photo PX810FW, Stylus Photo PX820FWD, Stylus Photo PX830, Stylus Photo R240, Stylus Photo R250, Stylus Photo R260, Stylus Photo R265, Stylus Photo R270, Stylus Photo R340, Stylus Photo R350, Stylus Photo R360, Stylus Photo R380, Stylus Photo R390, Stylus Photo R1900, Stylus Photo R2000, Stylus Photo R2880, Stylus Photo R3000, Stylus Photo RX520, Stylus Photo RX530, Stylus Photo RX560, Stylus Photo RX580, Stylus Photo RX585, Stylus Photo RX590, Stylus Photo RX595, Stylus Photo RX610, Stylus Photo RX640, Stylus Photo RX650, Stylus Photo RX680, Stylus Photo RX685, Stylus Photo RX690, Stylus Photo TX650, Stylus Photo TX700W, Stylus Photo TX710W, Stylus Photo TX720WD, Stylus Photo TX730, Stylus Photo TX800FW, Stylus Photo TX810FW, Stylus SX200, Stylus SX210, Stylus SX218, Stylus SX230, Stylus SX235, Stylus SX400, Stylus SX410, Stylus SX420W, Stylus SX430, Stylus SX440, Stylus SX510W, Stylus SX525WD, Stylus SX535WD, Stylus SX600FW, Stylus SX610FW, Stylus SX620FW, Stylus TX200, Stylus TX210, Stylus TX220, Stylus TX230, Stylus TX235, Stylus TX400, Stylus TX410, Stylus TX420W, Stylus TX430, Stylus TX550W, Stylus TX560WD, TX220 NX220, TX320 WorkForce320, TX420 NX420, TX720 Artisan720, TX820 Artisan830, WF-100 Series, WF-110 Series, WF-2110 Series, WF-2510 Series, WF-2520 Series, WF-2530 Series, WF-2540 Series, WF-2630 Series, WF-2650 Series, WF-2660 Series, WF-2750 Series, WF-2760 Series, WF-2810 Series, WF-2820 Series, WF-2830 Series, WF-2840 Series, WF-2850 Series, WF-2870 Series, WF-2910 Series, WF-2930 Series, WF-2950 Series, WF-3010 Series, WF-3520 Series, WF-3530 Series, WF-3540 Series, WF-3620 Series, WF-3640 Series, WF-4630 Series, WF-4640 Series, WF-5110 Series, WF-5190 Series, WF-5620 Series, WF-5690 Series, WF-6090 Series, WF-6530 Series, WF-6590 Series, WF-7110 Series, WF-7510 Series, WF-7511 Series, WF-7515 Series, WF-7520 Series, WF-7521 Series, WF-7525 Series, WF-7610 Series, WF-7620 Series, WF-8010 Series, WF-8090 Series, WF-8510 Series, WF-8590 Series, WF-M1130 Series, WF-M1560 Series, WF-M5190 Series, WF-M5690 Series, WF-R4640 Series, WF-R5190 Series, WF-R5690 Series, WF-R8590 Series, WP-4010 Series, WP-4011 Series, WP-4015 Series, WP-4020 Series, WP-4022 Series, WP-4023 Series, WP-4025 Series, WP-4090 Series, WP-4091 Series, WP-4092 Series, WP-4095 Series, WP-4511 Series, WP-4515 Series, WP-4520 Series, WP-4521 Series, WP-4525 Series, WP-4530 Series, WP-4531 Series, WP-4532 Series, WP-4533 Series, WP-4535 Series, WP-4540 Series, WP-4545 Series, WP-4590 Series, WP-4592 Series, WP-4595 Series, WP-M4011 Series, WP-M4015 Series, WP-M4095 Series, WP-M4521 Series, WP-M4525 Series, WP-M4595 Series, WorkForce 310, WorkForce 320, WorkForce 435, WorkForce 500, WorkForce 520, WorkForce 545, WorkForce 600, WorkForce 610, WorkForce 620, WorkForce 630, WorkForce 645, WorkForce 840, WorkForce 845, XP-55 Series, XP-65 Series, XP-200 Series, XP-201/204/208 Series, XP-202/203/206 Series, XP-205/207 Series, XP-211/214/216 Series, XP-212/213 Series, XP-215/217 Series, XP-220 Series, XP-225 Series, XP-235 Series, XP-240 Series, XP-243/245/247 Series, XP-255/257 Series, XP-300 Series, XP-302/303/305/306 Series, XP-310 Series, XP-312/313/315 Series, XP-320 Series, XP-322/323/325 Series, XP-330 Series, XP-332/335 Series, XP-340 Series, XP-342/343/345 Series, XP-352/355 Series, XP-400 Series, XP-402/403/405/406 Series, XP-410 Series, XP-412/413/415 Series, XP-420 Series, XP-422/423/425 Series, XP-430 Series, XP-432/435 Series, XP-440 Series, XP-442/445 Series, XP-452/455 Series, XP-510 Series, XP-520 Series, XP-530 Series, XP-540 Series, XP-600 Series, XP-610 Series, XP-620 Series, XP-630 Series, XP-640 Series, XP-700 Series, XP-710 Series, XP-720 Series, XP-750 Series, XP-760 Series, XP-800 Series, XP-810 Series, XP-820 Series, XP-830 Series, XP-850 Series, XP-860 Series, XP-900 Series, XP-950 Series, XP-960 Series, XP-2100 Series, XP-2150 Series, XP-2200 Series, XP-3100 Series, XP-3150 Series, XP-3200 Series, XP-4100 Series, XP-4150 Series, XP-4200 Series, XP-7100 Series epson-inkjet-printer-escprAUR version 1.8.1
EC-4020 Series, EC-4030 Series, EC-4040 Series, EC-C7000 Series, EM-C800BAM, EM-C800 Series, EP-50V Series, EP-879A Series, EP-880A Series, EP-881A Series, EP-882A Series, EP-883A Series, EP-884A Series, EP-885A Series, EP-886A Series, EP-982A3 Series, EP-C800BAM, EP-C800 Series, ET-2830 Series, ET-2840 Series, ET-3700 Series, ET-3710 Series, ET-3750 Series, ET-3760 Series, ET-3800 Series, ET-3830 Series, ET-3840 Series, ET-3850 Series, ET-4750 Series, ET-4760 Series, ET-4810 Series, ET-4850 Series, ET-5150 Series, ET-5170 Series, ET-5180 Series, ET-5800 Series, ET-5850 Series, ET-5880 Series, ET-8500 Series, ET-8550 Series, ET-8700 Series, ET-14100 Series, ET-15000 Series, ET-16150 Series, ET-16600 Series, ET-16650 Series, ET-16680 Series, ET-18100 Series, ET-M1140 Series, ET-M1170 Series, ET-M1180 Series, ET-M2140 Series, ET-M2170 Series, ET-M3140 Series, ET-M3170 Series, ET-M3180 Series, ET-M16600 Series, ET-M16680 Series, EW-M530F Series, EW-M630T Series, EW-M634T Series, EW-M670FT Series, EW-M674FT Series, EW-M752T Series, EW-M754T Series, EW-M873T Series, EW-M973A3T Series, EW-M5610FT Series, L3550 Series, L3560 Series, L5590 Series, L6160 Series, L6170 Series, L6190 Series, L6260 Series, L6270 Series, L6290 Series, L6460 Series, L6490 Series, L6550 Series, L6570 Series, L6580 Series, L8050 Series, L8100 Series, L8160 Series, L8180 Series, L11050 Series, L11160 Series, L14150 Series, L15150 Series, L15160 Series, L15180 Series, L18050 Series, M1050 Series, M1140 Series, M1170 Series, M1180 Series, M2050 Series, M2140 Series, M2170 Series, M3140 Series, M3170 Series, M3180 Series, M15140 Series, M15180 Series, PM-520 Series, PX-M161T Series, PX-M270FT Series, PX-M270T Series, PX-M380F, PX-M381FL, PX-M382F, PX-M680F Series, PX-M730F Series, PX-M780F Series, PX-M781F Series, PX-M791FT Series, PX-M880FX, PX-M884F, PX-M885F, PX-M886FL, PX-M887F, PX-M890FX, PX-M5080F Series, PX-M5081F Series, PX-M6010F Series, PX-M6011F Series, PX-M6711FT Series, PX-M6712FT Series, PX-M7070FX, PX-M7080FX, PX-M7090FX, PX-M7110F, PX-M7110FP, PX-S161T Series, PX-S270T Series, PX-S380, PX-S381L, PX-S382, PX-S383L, PX-S730 Series, PX-S880X, PX-S884, PX-S885, PX-S887, PX-S890X, PX-S5010 Series, PX-S5080 Series, PX-S6010 Series, PX-S6710T Series, PX-S7070X, PX-S7090X, PX-S7110, PX-S7110P, ST-3000 Series, ST-4000 Series, ST-C4100 Series, ST-C5000 Series, ST-C5500 Series, ST-C8000 Series, ST-C8090 Series, ST-M1000 Series, ST-M3000 Series, WF-2860 Series, WF-2880 Series, WF-2960 Series, WF-3720 Series, WF-3730 Series, WF-3820 Series, WF-4720 Series, WF-4730 Series, WF-4740 Series, WF-4820 Series, WF-4830 Series, WF-7210 Series, WF-7310 Series, WF-7710 Series, WF-7720 Series, WF-7820 Series, WF-7830 Series, WF-7840 Series, WF-C529RB, WF-C529RBAM, WF-C529R Series, WF-C579RB, WF-C579RBAM, WF-C579R Series, WF-C869R Series, WF-C878RB, WF-C878R Series, WF-C879RB, WF-C879RBAM, WF-C879R Series, WF-C4310 Series, WF-C4810 Series, WF-C5210 Series, WF-C5290BA, WF-C5290BAM, WF-C5290 Series, WF-C5310 Series, WF-C5390BAM, WF-C5390 Series, WF-C5710 Series, WF-C5790BA, WF-C5790BAM, WF-C5790 Series, WF-C5810 Series, WF-C5890BAM, WF-C5890 Series, WF-C5891 Series, WF-C8190B, WF-C8190 Series, WF-C8610 Series, WF-C8690B, WF-C8690 Series, WF-M4119 Series, WF-M4619 Series, WF-M5298 Series, WF-M5299BAM, WF-M5299 Series, WF-M5399BAM, WF-M5399 Series, WF-M5799BAM, WF-M5799 Series, WF-M5899BAM, WF-M5899 Series, XP-970 Series, XP-5100 Series, XP-5150 Series, XP-5200 Series, XP-6000 Series, XP-6100 Series, XP-8500 Series, XP-8600 Series, XP-8700 Series, XP-15000 Series epson-inkjet-printer-escpr2AUR version 1.2.15
Printers Driver/filter Notes

Drivers and/or notes for specific Epson printer models:

Printer Driver/filter Notes
AcuLaser C900 This printer uses Epson's driver, with a device URI of 'usb://EPSON/AL-C900', and may need the pipsplus service to be running.
LP-S5000 This printer requires a custom driver from Avasys.
TX125 epson-inkjet-printer-n10-nx127AUR
Printer Driver/filter Notes

Utilities[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

escputil[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

escputil is part of the gutenprint package, and performs some utility functions on Epson printers such as nozzle cleaning.

mtink[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

This is a printer status monitor which enables to get the remaining ink quantity, to print test patterns, to reset printer and to clean nozzle. It use an intuitive graphical user interface.

Stylus-toolbox[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

This is a GUI using escputil and cups drivers. It supports nearly all USB printer of Epson and displays ink quantity, can clean and align print heads and print test patterns.

Custom drivers[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Avasys[编辑 | 编辑源代码]


原因:This section involves installing packages without pacman. These directions should ideally be automated with a PKGBUILD.(在Talk:CUPS/打印机特定问题讨论)

"Source" code of the driver is available on the avasys website, in Japanese, however it includes a 32 bit binary which will cause problem on 64 bit system.

$ ./configure --prefix=/usr
$ make
# make install

If you have any problems on a 64 system, some other lib32 libraries may be required. Please adjust this page if that is the case.

Adding missing paper sizes[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Some of the PPD files in epson-inkjet-printer-escpr2AUR are missing paper size definitions for media that is supported by the printers and the filter. It is relatively straightforward to add the missing media types to the PPD files.

To begin, download the PKGBUILD for the epson-inkjet-printer-escpr2AUR package, either with an AUR helper or from a snapshot tarball. Once in the directory with the PKGBUILD, download and extract the source of the package by running makepkg --nobuild.

Change directory to src/epson-inkjet-printer-escpr2-$PKGVER. Open the file src/optBase.h in a text editor for reference.

Identify the PPD used by your printer in the ppd directory. For example, a Workforce 7710 printer uses Epson-WF-7710_Series-epson-escpr2-en.ppd. Let us call it your_ppd_filename. Convert the relevant PPD to a PPD compiler source file using the ppdi utility from the cups package.

$ ppdi -o your_ppd_filename.drv ppd/your_ppd_filename.ppd

Open the newly-created your_ppd_filename.drv in a text editor. Identify the section of the file with a lot of lines starting with CustomMedia. Duplicate one such line to modify. For example:

CustomMedia "Legal/US Legal" 612.00 1008.00 8.40 8.40 8.40 8.40 "<</PageSize[612.00 1008.00]/ImagingBBox null>>setpagedevice" "<</PageRegion[612.00 1008.00]/ImagingBBox null>>setpagedevice"

The pair of numbers 612.00 1008.00 represents the width and height of the paper in inches, multiplied by 72. Replace all three instances of these numbers with the dimensions of the paper you want to add. For example to add 11"x17" paper, replace the numbers with 792.00 1224.00.

The string "Legal/US Legal" identifies the paper. On the left side of the slash, Legal is a magic identifier that the filter uses to identify the paper size. Replace it with the one you want to use. Refer to the mediaSizeData array in optBase.h for a list of possible values. The string to the right of the slash can be set to any human-readable value.

If you want to enable borderless printing for a paper size, prefix the magic identifier string you just found with the letter T. So Letter would become TLetter. Additionally, change the four numbers 8.40 8.40 8.40 8.40 to 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00.

For example, I was able to add 11x17 paper to the PPD for a Workforce 7710 by adding the following lines:

CustomMedia "USB/US B(11x17 in)" 792.00 1224.00 8.40 8.40 8.40 8.40 "<</PageSize[792.00 1224.00]/ImagingBBox null>>setpagedevice" "<</PageRegion[792.00 1224.00]/ImagingBBox null>>setpagedevice"
CustomMedia "TUSB/US B(11x17 in) (Borderless)" 792.00 1224.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 "<</PageSize[792.00 1224.00]/ImagingBBox null>>setpagedevice" "<</PageRegion[792.00 1224.00]/ImagingBBox null>>setpagedevice"

Once you have added your custom size, recompile your_ppd_filename.drv into a PPD file with ppdc (also from cups):

$ ppdc your_ppd_filename.drv

This will create a ppd file in the ppd directory with a file name derived from the PCFileName parameter in your_ppd_filename.drv. You can test this file by uploading it to the CUPS web interface, or install it permanently by overwriting the original PPD file and making the package with makepkg.

HP[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

参见 CUPS/Troubleshooting#HP issues

大多数惠普打印机将使用 hplip,有些可能使用 hpojAUR,而多功能激光打印机可能需要使用 hpuldAUR。某些激光打印机还可能由 foo2zjs-nightlyAUR 支持。

请注意,如果 lpinfo -m 提示驱动程序 "需要专有插件",则需要安装 hplip-pluginAUR

打印机 驱动程序/过滤器 备注
DeskJet 710C pnm2ppaAUR
DeskJet 712C
DeskJet 720C
DeskJet 722C
DeskJet 820se
DeskJet 820Cxi
DeskJet 1000Cse
DeskJet 1000Cxi
Envy 5640 series hplip
Envy 6452 series hplip Search using mDNS/Bonjour
Envy 7800 series hplip Have not tried foomatic yet
LaserJet P1606dn hplip + hplip-pluginAUR Or foo2zjs-nightlyAUR, or AirPrint.
LaserJet Pro MFP M126nw
LaserJet Pro MFP M281fdw hplip No proprietary drivers as of 2019-04-18
Photosmart 2575 Or use the hpijs driver in foomatic.
LaserJet MFP M433 hpuldAUR
LaserJet MFP M436
LaserJet MFP M72625 72630
Laser 10x Series
Laser MFP 13x Series
Color Laser 15x Series
Color Laser MFP 17x Series
打印机 驱动程序/过滤器 备注

HPLIP[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

  • 自 hplip v3.17.11 起,hpijs 不再可用。如果您有使用 hpijs 的打印机,它们将无法打印。您必须修改它们,并选择新的 hpcups 驱动程序。
  • 至少从 hplip v3.22.10 开始,"hp-setup "在使用 hpfax:// 访问打印机时会崩溃,并显示信息 无法与设备通信。请检查设备并重试。这可能是由于缺少 hplip-pluginAUR,但可以通过禁用打印机本身的传真支持来解决。

hplip 为 HP DeskJet、OfficeJet、Photosmart、Business Inkjet 和部分 LaserJet 打印机提供了驱动程序,还提供了一个易于使用的设置工具。有关支持的打印机列表,请参见 https://developers.hp.com/hp-linux-imaging-and-printing/supported_devices/index。

hp-setup 需要安装 CUPS 并启动 cups.service 以保存打印机。hp-setup 还需要 lsusb 软件,该软件由 usbutils 软件包提供。

使用图形用户界面 qt 前端运行设置工具:

$ hp-setup -u


$ hp-setup -i

直接设置网络连接的 HP 打印机的配置:

$ hp-setup -i ip_address

To run systray spool manager:

$ hp-systray

为给定的 IP 地址生成 URI:

# hp-makeuri <ip address>

PPD 文件位于 /usr/share/ppd/HP/ 中。

如果您的打印机被列为需要二进制插件,请从 AUR 安装 hplip-pluginAUR 软件包。 如果需要安装二进制插件 hplip-pluginAUR,您需要在 hplip 识别 PPD 之前启动 cups.service。如果还不行,请重启打印机并在打印机关闭状态下登录。然后打开打印机并进行测试打印。

注意:hplip依赖于 foomatic-db-engine,这导致通过网络用户界面向 CUPS 添加打印机时,无法显示驱动程序列表(Unable to get list of printer drivers)。可能的解决方法
  • 要么:首先安装 hplip,然后从 /usr/share/ppd/HP/ 获取与打印机匹配的 PPD 文件。然后,完全删除 hplip 以及任何不必要的依赖项。最后,使用 CUPS Web UI 手动安装打印机,选择获取的 PPD 文件,然后重新安装 hplip。重启后,打印机就可以正常工作了。
  • 要么: 删除 hplipfoomatic-dbfoomatic-db-engine 以及所有不必要的依赖项。重新安装 hplip 并重启 CUPS。使用 CUPS Web UI 安装打印机,现在它应该能自动找到驱动程序。无需重启。

HPULD[编辑 | 编辑源代码]


软件包 hpuldAUR 将稀少的 "HP + ULD" 软件包合并为一个软件包。

foo2zjs[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

foo2zjs 支持部分惠普激光打印机。截至 2018 年 6 月,hplip 软件包干扰了 foo2zjs-nightlyAUR,详情见此 forum postFS#58815

Kodak[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

c2espAUR[损坏的链接:package not found] is free software. Upstream notes it is likely to work on all ESP and Hero printers/scanners.

Konica Minolta[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Printer Driver/filter Notes
Minolta Magicolor 1600W foomatic
Minolta Magicolor 1680MF
Minolta Magicolor 1690MF
Minolta Magicolor 2480MF
Minolta Magicolor 2490MF
Minolta Magicolor 2530DL
Minolta Magicolor 4690MF
Printer Driver/filter Notes

foo2zjs[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

#foo2zjs, mentioned above for supporting some HP printers, also support some Minolta printers.

Lexmark[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Note that most Lexmark printers are now supported by CUPS without needing further installation. See also SANE/Scanner-specific problems#Lexmark for Lexmark scanners issues.

Utilities[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Lexmark provides a utility called lexijtools with the drivers.

Custom drivers[编辑 | 编辑源代码]


原因: This section was written before the i686 architecture stopped being supported. As such, it provides only an example with an i686 packages and needs to be updated by taking 32-bit package guidelines into consideration. (在Talk:CUPS/打印机特定问题讨论)

Lexmark does provide Linux drivers for all their hardware. The following packages are required:

The drivers will need to be downloaded[失效链接 2022-09-17 ⓘ] from Lexmark's website. Preferably, create a package (see Creating packages) and install it. Here is a basic PKGBUILD that still needs work but will give an idea of what is required.

# Contributor: Todd Partridge (Gen2ly) toddrpartridge (at) yahoo

pkgdesc="Lexmark Z2300 and 2600 Series printer driver for cups"
depends=('cups' 'glibc' 'ncurses' 'libusb' 'libxext' 'libxtst' 'libxi' 'libstdc++5' 'krb5' 'lua' 'java-runtime')
conflicts=('z600' 'cjlz35le-cups' 'cups-lexmark-700')

package() {
  # Extract installer
  sh lexmark-inkjet-08-driver-1.0-1.i386.tar.gz.sh --target Installer-Files
  cd Installer-Files
  mkdir Driver
  tar xvvf instarchive_all --lzma -C Driver/
  cd Driver
  tar xv lexmark-inkjet-08-driver-1.0-1.i386.tar.gz -C $pkgdir

Keep in mind you can use the automated installer but doing so will leave the resulting changes untracked. The PPD will be installed into /usr/local/lexmark/lxk08/etc/ or similar, depending on the printer model.

Oki[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Printer Driver/filter Notes
C110 foomatic
MC561 foomatic-db-nonfree
Printer Driver/filter Notes

Ricoh[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Install openprinting-ppds-pxlmono-ricohAUR if your device is black and white, or openprinting-ppds-pxlcolor-ricohAUR if it is color. Note that Ricoh copiers are sometimes branded as Savin, Gestetner, Lanier, Rex-Rotary, Nashuatec, and/or IKON. So, if you have a device bearing one of these brands, it may be supported by these drivers as well.

For cheap GDI-only winprinters, which do not support PCL (Ricoh series SP100 and SP200) try out ricoh-sp100-gitAUR[损坏的链接:package not found].

SG or GX series printers requiring RPCS drivers may be suppported by ricoh-rpcs-cups-binAUR, which provides PPDs and needed filter programs found on the Japanese Ricoh website.

Printer Driver/filter Notes
SP 112 ricoh-sp100-gitAUR[损坏的链接:package not found]
SP 201n
IPSiO GX e3300 ricoh-rpcs-cups-binAUR As the Japanese products seem to be called IPSiO instead of Aficio, products not listed here could still work with specific printer models.
IPSiO GX e5500
IPSiO SG 2010L
IPSiO SG 2100
IPSiO SG 3100
IPSiO SG 7100
SG 2200
SG 2300
SG 3100KE
SG 3120SF
SG 3120B SF
SG 3200
SG 3300
SG 5100
SG 5100FT
SG 5200
SG 5200FT
SG 7200
213W Generic PCL Laser Obtain a WPS code by holding down the wifi button for 2 seconds, then hitting the stop/start button.
Printer Driver/filter Notes

Samsung[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

自 2016 年或 2017 年起,三星不再从事打印机/扫描仪业务。截至 2019 年,惠普部分支持部分三星打印机/扫描仪。2016 年之前,三星是主要参与者,这也是现在还有很多三星机器的原因。此外,Linux 和 CUPS 也在不断发展。所有这一切的要旨是,三星产品的支持处于变动之中。

有关三星打印机/扫描仪信息的一个主要网站是 Samsung Unified Linux Driver Repository。尽管网站名为 "Samsung Unified Linux Driver Repository",但它并不隶属于三星(惠普)。它也不是专门针对 samsung-unified-driverAUR 的。但实际推荐的驱动程序是三星(惠普)的封闭源代码。另一方面,samsung-unified-driver 也涵盖 Windows 和 Mac。它可能是获取三星打印机和扫描仪驱动程序的第一站,因为它(或曾经)声称几乎支持所有这些设备。请注意,samsung-unified-driver 包含的软件可以独立运行,而不是与 cups 绑定。如果你无法让打印机与 cups 软件一起工作,不妨试试这条路。

不过,还有更多的选择。概况见 alternatives

  • 据报道,在 CJX-XXX 系列中,至少有 CJX-1000、CJX-1050W 和 CJX-2000FW 可以与 c2espAUR[损坏的链接:package not found]一起使用,尽管 c2esp 据称是柯达产品专用的。
  • 对于 Samsung Printer Language,有 splix。有关支持的型号列表,请参阅其主页。其他 SPL 三星打印机,即使不在该列表中,也可以使用 splix
  • #foo2zjs 软件包提供的 foo2qpdl 也支持 QPDL(Quick Page Description Language)打印机,其中一些由splix支持。已知可工作的型号列表在这

c2espsplixfoo2zjs 都是自由软件。

您还应注意,许多 Samsung 打印机都支持 PostScript。它有可能与 CUPS 通用 PostScript 打印机一起工作,特别是如果它只是黑白打印机,没有添加扫描仪。通用驱动程序可能缺少功能或功能有限,例如在支持双面打印、色彩控制和分辨率设置方面,而且打印质量可能较低。

Xerox or FujiXerox[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Printer Driver/filter Notes
DocuPrint 203A hplip Using the DocuPrint P8e(hpijs) driver, or the Brother driver on FujiXerox's website (see #Brother for more information on how to install custom Brother drivers).
Phaser 3020 xerox-phaser-3020AUR Also supports Phaser 3052, 3117, 3140, 3155, 3160, 3200MFP, 3250, 3260, 3300MFP, 3320, 3435, 3600, 6110MFP, WorkCentre 3025, 3210, 3215, 3220, 3225, 3315, 3325, 3550, 4118, PE120, PE220, FaxCentre 2218.
Phaser 3100MFP Install Xerox's driver See #Phaser 3100MFP for more instructions.
Phaser 6115MFP foomatic
Phaser 6121MFP foomatic
Xerox Workcentre 3119 splix Since Samsung SCX-4200 is the rebranded Xerox 3119, splix package works for both
Printer Driver/filter Notes

Custom drivers[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Phaser 3100MFP[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

警告:This section involves installing packages without pacman. These directions should ideally be automated with a PKGBUILD.

Once you have downloaded the drivers, execute the driver installer and accept the licence:

# cd printer
# ./XeroxPhaser3100.install

Note that the driver is 32 bit, so some 32 bit libraries will be required on an x86_64 system: lib32-libpng12, lib32-zlib, lib32-libjpeg6-turbo, lib32-libcups, lib32-libxext, lib32-libx11, lib32-gcc-libs, lib32-libstdc++5AUR

For the scanner, create an /etc/sane.d directory if it does not already exist, because it is needed by the installer:

# mkdir -p /etc/sane.d

Now install the driver:

# cd scanner/
# ./XeroxPhaser3100sc.install

Again, on an x86_64 install, 32 bit libraries will be needed.

Phaser 6000B[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Install the xerox-phaser-6010 package (archived from the AUR). The driver may require older versions of nettle and gnutls to be installed, since the binary blob linked against older versions of the shared libraries provided by those packages. The oldest known-good versions are nettle-2.7.1-1 and gnutls-3.3.13-1.

Phaser 6125N[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

警告:This section involves installing packages without pacman. These directions should ideally be automated with a PKGBUILD.

FujiXerox does not support Linux on this model. An old rpm is available[失效链接 2022-09-17 ⓘ] but does not seem to work.

A slightly adapted custom driver has been found to work out of the box.

To install the tarball, run:

# tar -C / --keep-newer-files -xvzf cups-xerox-phaser-6125n-1.0.0.tar.gz